
Do you want to overcome unhelpful thoughts or behavioral patterns that prevent you from a fulfilled and enjoyable life?

Did you ever hear that you drink/smoke/gamble/… way too much?
Did people around you complain about your habit(s)?
Use, Misuse and Abuse are parts of our daily life. Many people experience one or the other dependency during their lifetime ranging from smoking over online gaming to drinking or illegal substance use. How can we be sure if we are misusing, abusing or just using a substance or a behavioral pattern?

Are you stressed out and anxious?
Do you experience panic attacks?

Anxiety and Worries are extremely common affecting every fifth person.
Modern life has changed our fears. Thoughts about security as well as coping with the new faster, better and stress-resistent ideal are more frequent nowadays. Especially moving from the homecountry to another foreign place in the world is a critical life event that might trigger a lot of fears. Individuals may suffer from panic attacks, phobia and or other forms of anxiety that is not visible from the outside but means incredible suffering for the patient leading to being not able to leave the house. How do we know if we are able to cope with our deepest fears on the longterm?

Do you feel depressed?


Do you need some help to achieve your goals?


Do you want to change your life?

If you want to discuss your individual situation contact me.

CBT is an effective way to resolve a variety of problems.